School Principle Image

Message From Head Teacher

Dear Parents, Guardians, students, and well-wishers,

I would like to extend my immense pleasure, and sincere gratitude to you all who trust in the quality of this school and are always supportive to school for its development. Himalaya Secondary School, established in 2012 BS (1956 AD), emphasizes a relevant education for a changing world and maintains a unique, friendly, and supportive culture that aims at inspiring students and nurturing their talents.

Being one of the best public schools of Nepal, HSS is acknowledged as a leading school in the country. We were able to win the confidence of Nepal Government because of our educational excellence. Nepal Government, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology has recognized this school as a MODEL SCHOOL which will have strong infrastructures equipped with latest technology and innovation in pedagogy with visionary administrative, and academic team and highest academic output. Now it has been developed as the best academic hub, a single choice for thousands of students, where they see this school as the only gateway for their bright future. I consider the challenge of developing a technically advanced and academically sound model institution as an opportunity for us to prove our commitment for excellence. It will be possible if the entire school family works jointly and walk together with a single motto to develop our school as an oasis of educational hub for thousands of anxious hearts who are eager to enroll in this school. This change is impossible unless we change ourselves by changing our habit, views, and our practices within and out of the classrooms.

Our aim is to provide the qualitative education to equip our students to prepare for their future life. To achieve our aim, we offer:
• a relevant education for a changing world.
• a student-centered approach, project-based learning opportunities for individual growth.
• a well trained professional and dedicated teaching staff.
• an extensive and highly competitive extra-curricular program.
HSS takes discipline as a non- negotiable factor in shaping learning aspiration in student’s life. Value education classes, counselling sessions are conducted in order to maintain balance between their emotion and behaviour.

In addition to high quality academics, “HSS" provides a variety of opportunities for all round development of a child through music, sports, debates, quizzes, social involvement and cultural activities. The activities provide an opportunity for students to display their creative ability, develop their interest and build confidence. I am aware of the contribution of head teachers prior to me, management body, retired teachers, and all the guardians, students and stakeholders who directly or indirectly involved in modeling the school to its present form and situation. The school highly appreciates the supportive hands of generous parents, local guardians, intellectuals and donor agencies. I owe to you all for your kind support and constructive feedback.

Drona Bdr. Shrestha

Head Teacher/Principal